Definitive Action

Aries First Quarter Moon

January 17, 2023, 10:52pm EST

Definitive Action
photo by Jonny Gios

Capricorn Season Grounding Meditation

Definitive Action

At the Aries First Quarter Moon, take swift and definitive action. Like a blacksmith, hammer the molten iron of your plan into a fine-edged tool. Trust your recent introspections to guide you in making powerful and effective choices. Watch the sparks fly while something new and transformative takes shape.

Harnessing Anger

Aries carries the warrior archetype, a symbol that is often corrupted and exploited for violence in our modern culture. In the best case, Aries represents fast-acting and highly effective energy that, when put to good use, gets more done than any other zodiac sign. In emergencies, Aries performs risky and lifesaving rescues without hesitation. Every individual human has been handed a legacy to undo and redirect this twisting of Aries energy. This involves recognizing and harnessing anger so you can channel it into effective and positive action. Therefore, use the Aries First Quarter Moon during Capricorn season to take responsibility for your individual action. Accept the challenge of being decisive and single-minded, without slipping into selfishness or tyranny.

Astrology Forecast for January 17 – 24

At the Aries First Quarter Moon, aim for the bullseye by channeling fiery motivation into your independent venture. On January 18, let the lava cool and solidify as the Moon enters Taurus. Fix your focus on productivity though maintain awareness of feelings and sensitivities. On January 19, review with satisfaction all that you have accomplished since early December. You may have had a bigger impact than you thought! Ironically, instead of celebrating with friends or colleagues, you may crave quiet time alone. Rather than implying dampened spirits, this reveals a new level of comfort with being alone.

On January 20, the Sun joins Pluto just before both enter Aquarius, signifying a transformative beginning. This could be a rocky, volatile, or empowering day, depending where you are on a healing journey. If you have recently had to surrender your ego to develop new level of empathy, then you are primed to alter your use of personal power. Anyone with planets near 0º of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, or Scorpio feel the impact. Embrace small changes to take on board bigger collective shifts. Watch for new technologies to infiltrate. With Sun and Moon entering air signs, allow your curiosity to be piqued but avoid obsessing. Discuss with others through January 21.

On January 22, your focus on thoughts gives way to matters of the heart, as you tune into other people’s feelings. Venus enters Capricorn on January 23, indicating the need to address your responsibilities regarding your finances or partnerships. If you have time, get a jump start on tax season. Ride any waves of moodiness. On January 24, the Moon enters fun-loving Leo, removing you from the emotional tides. As the Moon waxes to full on January 25, see how pleasure can emerge from all your hard work.

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