Gemini Last Quarter Moon
August 26, 2024, 5:25am ET / 5:25pm AWST
Astrology Forecast for Emotional Balance August 26 – September 2
Virgo Season Grounding Meditation
Empowering Conversations
A Last Quarter Moon signifies a time to let go of something in the name of growth. At the Gemini Last Quarter Moon in Virgo season, let go of frivolous talk and instead sift through mental narratives that impede your forward progress. Then engage in constructive and empowering conversations that inspire others to get involved. As the Moon wanes toward a new cycle, relax and watch what materializes from your intentions.
Keen Insight
A practical and keen insight emerges from an interaction that concerns an agreement in values on August 27. Like a beehive, the day buzzes with intellectual ideas and social banter. While the mood tends to remain light and quick, the power to act on your notions lies easily at your fingertips. Thoughts transfer readily into action. On August 28, what made sense conceptually yesterday doesn’t jibe with today’s emotional needs. This becomes abundantly clear to you as the Moon enters Cancer. As your intuitive antennae unfurl, your comprehension of the connection between a universal spiritual truth and a specific relationship issue increases. Mercury stations direct, inviting you to reflect on what you’ve learned about the link between gratitude and abundance lately.
Cooperation and Interdependence
On August 29, Venus entering Libra symbolizes a desire for equilibrium. Cooperation and interdependence take precedence in your connections with others. Accessible empathy supports your pursuit of inclusion. Venus trine Pluto underscores the enormous amount of power available through collaboration. Culturally, this may deal with the righting of social injustices. Allow and sit with the tides of your feelings on August 30. When the Moon enters Leo, question if you can detect an upswing in emotional energy. Reflect on your ability to be present with others and see how giving your full attention encourages positive feelings.
Unfinished Business
On August 31, exude a sense of generosity as you move through your day. Express creativity and joy in anything you take on. On September 1, step more fully into your sense of self as your mind and heart align. Uranus stations retrograde at 27º Taurus. If you have important points in late fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), you are likely in the throes of an extended personal change that may generate excitement or anxiety. Also, Pluto dips back into Capricorn to handle unfinished business. Pay close attention to shifts in your mood state for insights. On September 2, the Moon in Virgo returns your awareness to practical detail-oriented matters. Find your ground and set an intention to stabilize your routines. Make a plan for how you wish to manage changing parameters.