April 1st, 2022, 2:24am EDT
Face Your Fear
More than any other New Moon, the New Moon in the first zodiacal sign of Aries symbolizes new beginnings. Like a fuel accelerant, Aries injects force and speed into any project. Take advantage of this opportunity and dare to start the compelling new course of action that sparks boldness in your heart. Note that you will need to muster the courage to face your inevitable fear.
The main task of Aries regards learning courage. True courage emerges when you intimately know and act in full awareness of your fears. This is different from bravery, which arises instantaneously in response to an emergency. Courage, or fearlessness, means you have a relationship with your fear, and choose to act with purpose despite uncertainty.
A Useful Direction
At times, Aries energy may tend to seethe in frustration and fight the wrong battle, resulting in bridges burned to the ground. For this reason, the key to constructively unleashing this rocket’s power depends on focusing it into a useful direction. Misdirected or repressed Aries energy explodes into selfish, aggressive narcissism, or burns unabated like wildfire in the drought-ridden West.
Courage To Speak
The astrological map of the New Moon suggests we must find the courage to speak up about the most prevalent wound in our culture. On the global scale, this wound pertains to the destructive, self-serving practice of enacting the desires of a few humans over everything else. On the personal scale, Aries the Warrior asks us to be brave and talk honestly with each other, and consider the needs of others. Activities that apply your energy to an important cause in your community, such as a gravel grinder that raises money for injustices, a yoga equity project, or voicing your concerns in a letter to your local paper all support this task.
Take Fearless Action
For pointers about where to aim your deliberate focus, use your Rising sign (or if you don’t know it, your Sun sign) and read below. Pause, breathe, and take a moment to consider what you think is the most urgent wound to heal in our collective experience. Notice where in your life you feel frustrated, fearful, or both, as these are simply signposts that request your attention. How will you confront your fear and engage your fearlessness for yourself, your community, and your planet?
Aries: Confront any fear you have about your own identity. Take a fearless action that reckons with your sense of authenticity. Honor something about yourself that has scared you before.
Taurus: Confront your existential fear of isolation. Take fearless action to selflessly serve the needs of those who suffer the most. Honor the divine within fiercely.
Gemini: Confront your fear that you are not loved or supported by your community. Take fearless action and answer the call of leadership amongst your cohorts. Honor your ability to inspire others to action.
Cancer: Confront the fear that impedes you in your vocation. Take fearless action to advance your career. Honor your natural desire to nurture and help others in this work.
Leo: Confront the fear that restricts your mind’s ability to expand. Take fearless action to seek the missing education you need to gain more clarity. Honor the balance between graceful receiving and exerting effort as you learn.
Virgo: Confront your fear of the hidden emotional baggage that other people carry beneath the surface. Take fearless action and set boundaries by using simple rituals like mantra. Honor your ability to help other people with their difficult issues.
Libra: Confront your fear of conflict with your loved ones. Take fearless action to establish autonomy in your closest relationships. Recognize how this bold action actually brings more harmony in these partnerships.
Scorpio: Confront your fear of ill health or boring routines. Take fearless action to commit to a daily practice that suits your desire for intensity. Honor the truth that you need to put yourself first when it comes to your health.
Sagittarius: Confront any fear that hinders your ability to love freely and generously. Take fearless action to engage in purely creative and playful pursuits. Honor your need for adventure either by exploring with children in your life or adopting a child’s mindset.
Capricorn: Confront any fears tied up in your family life or home. Take fearless action to make needed change that stabilizes your roots. Honor your need take the lead in family decisions.
Aquarius: Confront your fear of not being heard. Take fearless action to communicate your brilliant vision for an equitable future. Honor your need to be heard by others.
Pisces: Confront your fear of not being worthy. Take fearless action to advance your wealth of resources. Honor your need to deep self love or desire for financial autonomy.