Full Moon in Taurus

Halloween Full Moon

Watch Full Moon in Taurus video here

Saturday October 31st, 10:49a.m.

The Full Moon lights up the dark on Halloween, just as the veils between the worlds become the thinnest. At the Libra New Moon on October 16th, we planted a seed for empathy for others. Now as we witness polarizing conflict in our society, we are forced to dig down deep and examine our values. Many elements in our society need attention, healing, and regenerating. This can only happen by finding common ground. We can be surprisingly resourceful together when we strive to face our own shadow first.

In Taurus, the Moon seeks to establish safe harbor during the Scorpio Sun’s perilous journey in the underworld. However, with Uranus the Awakener exactly conjunct, the Moon cannot rest on her laurels. Instead the Moon must reckon with this powerful destabilizing force. Mother Earth petitions to wake us up with chaotic climate patterns.

If you know your rising sign, read below to contemplate where the Full Taurus Moon lights up your horoscope. Let the key word be a mantra as you take responsibility for awakening in this area of your life. What inner demons do you need to confront to allow this shift? Investigate with a sense of curiosity, then decide which ones to befriend and which ones to release. Then howl at the Moon to celebrate newfound freedom at the darkest time of the year!


12 Action Words For the Astrological Houses

(Taurus Rising): AWAKEN yourself

(Aries Rising): VALUE yourself

(Pisces Rising): SHARE yourself

(Aquarius Rising): GROUND yourself

(Capricorn Rising): GIVE of yourself

(Sagittarius Rising): PRACTICE for yourself

(Scorpio Rising): RECOGNIZE the other

(Libra Rising): EMBRACE the other

(Virgo Rising): LISTEN to the other

(Leo Rising): CONTRIBUTE to the other

(Cancer Rising): RECEIVE from the other

(Gemini Rising): UNIFY with the other

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