Laugh At The Ludicrous

Sagittarius Last Quarter Moon

March 14, 2023, 10:08pm EDT

Laugh At The Ludicrous

Meditation On Your Capacity For Compassion

Laugh At The Ludicrous

As Pisces season begins to come to a close, the Sagittarius Last Quarter Moon signifies inviting in humor to lighten the load. That’s not to say use humor to avoid your feelings. Instead, feel the feelings and laugh at the ludicrous side of the shared human condition. For best results, do so with like-hearted friends.

Levity And Love

This Last Quarter Moon cues the final stage of the focus on developing compassion. Trust that you have “plumbed in” the conduits of empathy, so that you carry the lesson with you when the Sun enters fiercely self-oriented Aries territory on March 20. Now is the time to make room for the new by grieving and letting go of unmet expectations and unfulfilled wishes. The key to getting over these inevitable disappointments is to find gratitude for the many small things in life that provide levity and love. Think, for example, about the meal you ate, the unexpected smile you received, or the silky feeling of your skis on snow. If you feel inclined to, share your process with others through the art of storytelling. Don’t be afraid to use myth and metaphor as a means to impart the wisdom of your emotional experience.

Hidden Path’s Astrology Forecast For The Week Of March 14 – 20

The final week of Pisces season packs quite a punch, with an array of beginnings, challenges, and opportunities that arrive unbidden and all at once. At the Sagittarius Last Quarter Moon, observe how you handle expressing your opinions. If you seem to be pontificating, find the humor in it so you can remember not to take yourself too seriously. This helps to alleviate the self-doubt that likely underpins the need to proclaim your opinions so emphatically in the first place. March 15 reiterates the need to place compassion front and center, which you can access by helping someone out or by retreating into meditative space.

On March 16, you may feel big feelings and a lack of mental clarity. Don’t try to explain or get others to understand. If frustration brews, resist the temptation to be combative, as power struggles promise to be nasty and futile. Forgive yourself for not having all the answers and instead aim to spend your energy on vigorous flow state activities. Meet intensity coming from others with patient inner resolve as best you can. If you allow the initial storm to pass, you will discover an unexpected bridge of understanding beneath your feet. On St. Paddy’s Day, notice continued high sensitivity and touchy behavior. Take the high road by grounding yourself in your physical body and activating that empathy you’ve been working on all of Pisces season. Take a deep breath, get a little space, and recover from heated feelings. As you thread through this emotional minefield with your kindness intact, you advance to the next level of mature, authentic, and empowered relationships.

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