Taurus First Quarter Moon
February 16, 2024, 10:00am EST
Aquarius Season Meditation to Ease Anxiety
Manifest Your Vision
The Taurus First Quarter Moon encourages you to manifest your vision and put it in a tangible form. The fixed earth sign of Taurus insists on results that can be seen, felt, touched, or eaten! Use the natural patience and stamina of Taurus to create something useful, supportive, or delicious for others.
Tenacity and Effort
A First Quarter Moon implies conflict because the Moon and Sun are in square (90º) aspect to one another. To understand the stress between Taurus and Aquarius during this moon phase, consider the notorious tension between builder and architect. Aquarius is like the architect who draws up the blueprints. Taurus represents the builder striving to construct a three-dimensional structure from an abstract concept. In other words, it takes tenacity and effort to manifest something that has only lived in your mind. You must have enduring respect for the original idea in order to work through the trials and tribulations of making it a reality. The key to managing this type of tension is equal respect for both idea and form.
Astrology Forecast February 16 – 24
The Taurus First Quarter Moon cues an invitation to make tangible something you’ve had on your mind. The real measure of inventiveness comes when you land your idea in a material form. Venus entering Aquarius the same day implies a useful ability to remain detached and analytical. If you hit a wall, consider that you may need collaborators for successful manifestation. On February 17, a portal opens into the deep underbelly of your personal values, helping you get to the bottom of a relationship or financial issue. If talked about tenderly, the conversation allows for something new to emerge.
On February 18, intellectualizing gives way to focusing on feelings as the Sun enters Pisces and the Moon enters Cancer. You can think of this as your emotional antennae extending. On February 19, tune into your gut to determine what decision to make or direction to move in. Through February 20, your instinct to protect something vulnerable may feel at odds with your impetus to act independently. Don’t get carried away by hot-under-the-collar feelings, as they are bound to pass. As February 21 dawns, the Moon gallivants into Leo and elevates the sense of play and fun. If you feel compelled to lean into dark humor to make light of the human condition, by all means do!
On February 22, Venus and Mars join in androgynous Aquarius. Consider how you assert your will and ask yourself if it aligns with what you value internally. Be willing to play with these ideas without getting hung up on traditional gender roles. On February 23, Mercury softens its hard-edged cerebral focus by leaving Aquarius for Pisces. Mercury, preferring quick thinking and light feet, tends to get befuddled here. Rather than battling for crystal clear thinking, instead allow yourself to be fuzzy, forgiving, and uncertain. Paint in watercolors, meditate, or write down your dream. When the Moon enters Virgo, bring this gentler presence of mind to your mundane chores for a mini-transcendent experience. Focus on simple, practical steps to stay afloat at the Virgo Full Moon on February 24.