May 20, 2024 – June 20, 2024
Gemini Season Power of Your Mind Meditation
Gemini Season: The Power of Your Curiosity
Always following on the heels of stoic Taurus, Gemini season seeks to stir up the vibe and stimulate your mental processes. If Taurus season felt heavy duty, then relish in a refreshing lift beneath your wings. Use the power of your curiosity to pull you out of anxious thinking. Track mysteries amidst the busy processes of life and share your glee with others.
Speak Openly
As the mutable air sign, Gemini describes the dynamic nature of the mind. When you choose what to focus your mind on, your energy follows. If stressful thoughts arise, steer away from them by submitting to inquisitiveness. Plant your feet on the ground and slow down your breathing. Engage your social network and speak openly about what rests heavy in your mind. You may be amazed at the ease you feel while being vulnerable with others, not to mention impressed with their brave reciprocation.
Gemini Season Overall
Shortly after the Sun enters Gemini, it connects with Pluto to send a powerful message about the importance of approaching life with curiosity. With Gemini’s ruling planet Mercury in earthy Taurus for the first half of the season, keep your thinking realistic. A general sense of buoyancy pervades the first few days, as Venus joins beneficial Jupiter just before both move into light-hearted Gemini. The Sagittarius Full Moon on May 23 inspires you to share your wisdom. As the Moon wanes, willingly turn inward and watch for bold insights. Fruitful understanding waits for you here. Mercury entering Gemini liberates your mind to accept sources of intelligence beyond the rational. Venus starts a new cycle with the Sun, inviting deep vulnerable communication in important relationships.
After the Gemini New Moon on June 6, prepare for any dark Moon wisdom you just gained to get stress-tested. Your ideas must be both concrete and adaptable to the needs or sensitivities of others. An avenue for harnessing your individual effort to help others heal becomes visible. The final week of the season features the reappearance of a semi-formed idea, suggesting the challenge of marrying unwavering practicality with wild imagination to move it forward. Mercury connects with the Sun, marking the beginning of a new cycle and underscoring the need for accessing many different layers of knowledge. The season closes with Venus, Mercury, and then the Sun diving into the Cancerian waters of feeling and intuition.
Horoscopes for All 12 Signs
During Gemini season, stay engaged with your sense of curiosity. Curiosity keeps your mind on the present moment, which aids you in feeling both positive and objective.
Aries: Observe how you communicate in casual conversations to understand the power you wield through your voice. Notice if this relates to a recent empowering change of community.
Taurus: Use curiosity to handle stress about your finances or self-esteem. Draw on the power you gain from your professional life to help you make even-keeled decisions based on the facts.
Gemini: Release unnecessary stress about a change in direction and be curious about where you have landed in life. Notice an empowering shift in your worldview and embrace your versatility.
Cancer: Submerge in the internal world of your subconscious. Take the time you need for silence, therapy, or retreat to recharge mental equanimity. Let your boundaries empower you.
Leo: Follow your curiosity to get more involved in your community. Apply what you have learned about transforming partnerships to see where to lend a helping hand to others.
Virgo: Let your curiosity guide you to network with new people in your professional life. Notice how new healthy routines have opened the door to empowering and supportive relationships.
Libra: Open your mind to a source of wisdom solely based on your curiosity. Liberate yourself by employing what you have discovered through a recent creative process.
Scorpio: Be curious about the mysterious motivations and depths of others. Trust your ability to hold equanimous space without judgment, while staying grounded in your quiet internal power.
Sagittarius: Employ curiosity to stay engaged in your partnerships, no matter what triggers may occur. Ask kind though incisive questions while listening with full attention.
Capricorn: Break the tedium of your routines by engaging your curiosity and choosing a new activity. Lean into your newly transformed self-esteem and invite someone unexpected along.
Aquarius: Be powerfully interested in your capacity for loving others, as well as in your connection to joy. Recognize how a fundamental shift in your personal power opens new doors.
Pisces: Adopt a lighthearted approach to learning about your family roots and the land where you live. Identify the hidden but perceptible power that emanates from your spiritual connections.
Watch the AstroPath video below. AstroPath is a collaboration I share with Laurie Farrington.