
Queen Elizabeth II: Royal Stability


The AstroBiography of Queen Elizabeth II

Birth: April 21, 1926 2:40am BST

Known For: Longest Reigning Monarch, Recent Death (September 8, 2022)

Astrology Stats: Taurus Sun, Leo Moon, Capricorn Rising, Scorpio Midheaven

Favorite Documentary or Show: The Crown

In Brief: Royal Stability

Queen Elizabeth’s outer personality is characterized by the wielding of dominance, with all the seriousness and decorum assigned her role (Capricorn Ascendant). She exuded poise, authority, and a sense of stabilization with her longstanding reliable presence, even as the British Empire rapidly diminished during her rule. Her Sun in Taurus symbolizes this picture of stability. At the same time, you might just as easily conjure up an image of Queen Elizabeth dressed in pastel outfits and ludicrous hats, reflecting the softer side (Venus in Pisces ruling the 10th House). On a more internal note, her Moon placement in Leo echoes the pattern of regality, yet its difficult (8th House) placement suggests the heaviness of the role bestowed on her, as well as a sense of isolation or loneliness, especially in her marriage. Many may envy or despise the royals; however, it is not an enviable life for anyone who values freedom, personal expression, or privacy.  Queen Elizabeth II passed away recently at the age of 96.

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